Xamarin Android

Introduction to Xamarin Android

Xamarin android makes it possible to create the android native application with the use of the same UI controls as available in the android studio or the eclipse, by the use of the most flexible language i.e C# and the first class editor Visual studio.

Visual studio use the same base class library of C# for all the native application programming .it will also provides the different version of the android emulator to test and debug the android application.

  1. What is an activity
  2. What is an activity life cycle
  3. What is fragments
  4. Start an activity
  5. Creating a splash screen
  6. Start a fragments
  7. Pass data between activities
  8. Pass data between activities to fragments
  9. Pass data between fragments to fragments
  10. What is shared preferences
  11. What are intents in xamarin android
  12. What are context in xamarin android

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