When considering how to build iOS and Android applications, many people think that the native languages, Objective-C, Swift, and Java, are the only choice. However, over the past few years, an entire new ecosystem of platforms for building mobile applications has emerged.
Xamarin is unique in this space by offering a single language – C#, class library, and runtime that works across all three mobile platforms of iOS, Android, and Windows Phone (Windows Phone’s native language is already C#), while still compiling native (non-interpreted) applications that are performant enough even for demanding games.
Each of these platforms has a different feature set and each varies in its ability to write native applications – that is, applications that compile down to native code and that interop fluently with the underlying Java subsystem. For example, some platforms only allow apps to be built in HTML and JavaScript, whereas some are very low-level and only allow C/C++ code. Some platforms don’t even utilize the native control toolkit.